Wednesday, August 14, 2024

A hot summer afternoon

The letter below, dated August 9, 2024, was sent to supporters and friends of the Malki Foundation in English and Hebrew versions. It is written by Arnold Roth, Malki Foundation's honorary chair.


Some of the most difficult moments in our lifetimes have acquired code names. I mean the sort of short-hand titles that help us bring momentous events into our conversations without addressing the significance of the date or its history.

With no sub-title, “9/11” means something deeply traumatic to most people. All on its own, “7/7” has a powerful resonance to the British and so does “3/3” for the people of Spain. For Israelis and Jews, mentioning “October 7” has required no additional words since 2023.

For my family and me, August 9 is like that.

On that date in 2001, a hot school-vacation afternoon, our lives were shattered in stages, a kind of slow-motion car accident that changed everything forever.

Initially, like all Israelis, we were stopped in our tracks by the devastating media bulletins suddenly emanating from the center of the nation’s capital about an explosion at a fast-food shop. Then the scenes of victims, mostly children, being treated by first-responders and loaded onto ambulances that screeched across Jerusalem en route to the hospitals.

Then at the more personal level, the realization among the members of my own family that no one had managed to reach our middle child, Malki, 15. Then the increasingly desperate search through the afternoon and evening hours to find her. Then the rush to the Hadassah hospital emergency room ten hours later because we heard she might be there getting urgent life-saving care. Then the phone call long after midnight, twelve hours after the massacre, from our sons who had located their sister at Abu Kabir, Israel’s national forensic medicine center in Tel Aviv, and the search was over.

We buried Malki in Jerusalem the following afternoon just before Shabbat arrived.


For my family, one part of the process of getting our lives and the lives of our children back to stability was centered on how to remember Malki. As it turned out, one part of that was to connect her beautiful life to good things that would go on and on after Malki was taken from us.

Establishing something that looks like today’s Malki Foundation – Keren Malki – wasn’t part of our plan until then. We were already dealing with the reality of a child, our youngest, who was catastrophically disabled – not from birth but later and not all at once but in stages. But the way we saw it, the challenge of dealing with this was personal.

We certainly didn’t see it as a campaign. We never thought the stresses and tensions, our arguments with people in authority, the despair of being ignored and humiliated, were things that would affect, or even be noticed by, other people. Dealing with a very sick or very disabled child is after all not rare and rarely adds pleasure to families’ lives. How you handle it is a personal issue that comes without a roadmap. You make decisions as best you can. Sometimes this is done in ways that are consistent with your values. But sometimes not.

When we began to think about how we could make Malki’s memory live on, it made sense to us that some of the things we learned in the battle to get better care and a better life for our youngest child could turn into a project that might help other families facing similar challenges with their own children.

We knew from experience as parents that for many families, dealing with busy medical professionals can be maddeningly frustrating. That a child with life-impairing disabilities can seem to be just another part of an overworked day for the nurses, the therapists, the technicians and the doctors. But we also knew that, for the families, that child is a world. Malki, only fifteen years old when her life was already over, understood and did wonderful things that were illuminated by that understanding.

I could easily go into details. And there are times when I do. I want as many people as possible to understand what makes the Malki Foundation special. But not in this letter.


As parents, my wife Frimet and I remember Malki’s life with love, longing and deep pain that doesn’t go away. But August 9 is not central to that. It’s the Jewish calendar and not the secular one that provides the context. The twentieth day of the month of Av is when we assemble beside the adjoining graves of our beloved Malki and her life-long friend Michal Raziel. It’s when we light memorial candles, say Kaddish, gather our children and their children around us, and mourn the lives that were extinguished in that grotesque, almost-incomprehensible manifestation of hatred-without-end.

The work of the Malki Foundation, like the life of the vivacious teenager whose name it carries, has no political dimension – absolutely none. It was brought into existence, and continues until today, to do good, constructive things. The goal is to ensure families who make the challenging decision to raise a child with disabilities in the family home are empowered to do that and are helped in practical ways to make their efforts as effective as possible. Those families come from literally every part of Israeli society.

But August 9 is the civil anniversary of the date when the Battle of Sbarro Pizzeria took place. I regularly write and speak (via the media) about it at a different level – a level in which politics has a large part.

I want people who know about the Malki Foundation and the very fine things it does to know that those other issues exist. They involve very harsh realities that continue to be part of my life and my wife’s. In particular, the reality that the terrorist who plotted the massacre is a woman who is alive and well, living free in Jordan today. She has spent years encouraging support for more terror of the kind that she herself inflicted on us 23 years ago. And she is America’s most wanted female fugitive.

Frimet and I write about that side of our lives regularly at a site called This Ongoing War. If you have questions about it or comments to share with us, we can be reached at

So to be clear. The Malki Foundation doesn’t exist to advance a political agenda. Via the fine work done by its dedicated small staff and the volunteers whose invaluable inputs have been part of our story since the very first day, it exists to do one central thing – to enable people to remember Malki’s beautiful life.

Arnold Roth
Honorary Chair

Friday, November 17, 2023

In war, more than ever, the work of the Malki Foundation

A version of this article by Ely Cohen originally appeared in the Jewish Chronicle (UK) on November 16, 2023 under the title "These Israeli families need our help more than ever". 

The work of the Malki Foundation, which helps families in Israel raising a child with extreme special needs, is particularly important in the wake of October 7

From its inception, the work of the Malki Foundation, set up in 2001 in memory of Malki Roth, who was killed age 15 in a terrorist attack, has been to help ease the burden that rests on the shoulders of a specific population: families in Israel raising a child with extreme special needs.

They are among the most under-resourced people in Israel, and for a significant number of them, it’s a challenge made even harsher when, often for socio-economic reasons, they live far from Israel’s main centres.

We empower these families to keep their children at home by providing them with paramedical therapies at their homes.

Now we’re in a war that began explosively, and of the 40 children and families currently in our Therapists on Wheels programme that focuses on Israel’s periphery communities, 20 — all of them families with a child with severe disabilities — live within 15km of Israel’s Gaza border, in the heart of the warzone. [Background: "Death, destruction, debris mark borderline kibbutz communities near Gaza", JNS, October 17, 2023]

Realising how close some families are to the currently active battlefields, we have been texting and calling families who, in some cases, have got Malki Foundation’s support for years.

We have managed to get in touch with all of them, getting some sense of their needs and what we can do to help, and thankfully, all are physically fine. As for trauma, only time will tell.

Our speech therapist lives in Kfar Aza, a kibbutz just 1.5 kilometers from the Gaza border. Hamas terrorists took over Kfar-Aza on October 7, and hostages were taken.

It’s a story of horror, as our therapist described in a WhatsApp message she sent almost two days after the attack. “The IDF evacuated us, and we are on the way to Eilat. What we survived is a miracle…”

Netiv HaAsara is a moshav right on the Gaza border. It, too, was invaded by Hamas terrorists. The family of an eight-year-old child with severe disabilities, which is supported by the Malki Foundation program, lives there.

The parents were reluctant to share much detail but thanked us for staying in touch and for our prayers. We were left pondering what the family must have endured until the IDF rescued them.

Because we have long-running relations with the families, it’s evident that some of the families need much more help while settling into a new and temporary home.

A family with a disabled child left Ashkelon for Rishon Letzion after a missile hit their parking lot and totaled their custom-fitted, wheelchair-accessible vehicle. It will take three months until they can get a new car modified for their child’s needs, and in the meantime the family is housebound.

One family rushed to leave the town as they were suffering from endless amounts of missiles. As the family had a small car, they had no room for some of the special equipment their child needed. It has been over a week since, but the traumatised parents are too frightened to go back and pick up the equipment.

As schools in the south are not all open yet, children have been unable to receive the necessary paramedical therapies. However, the Malki Foundation has been providing therapy sessions at the children’s homes, ensuring the continuity of their treatments.

Due to the special relationships we have forged over the years, we are working on matching relocated families with a temporary therapist to maintain treatment continuity. It’s a privilege - but also a heavy obligation for us.

Providing emotional and physical support to families during their child’s therapy is as important as the therapy itself.

Our work has always been about conveying to the family that we stand with them and let them know someone is there to help, support, and advise. That while fighting for their child, they are not entirely alone.

*  *  *

An emergency support fund was established in the past two weeks by Malki Foundation UK. Contact us at or in the UK at phone number 0203-637-4245

Details and how to give your support are here. Or click on the thumbnail image at left.

Ely Cohen is the director of Keren Malki, Jerusalem, The Malki Foundation UK, Registered United Kingdom Charity No. 1164793, raises funds for Keren Malki. 

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

An emergency services update: Being in a war


Registered UK Charity 1164793
Official Address: The Limes, 1339 High Road, Whetstone, London N20 9HR

Malki Foundation UK (registered in the United Kingdom as a charity - number 1164793) invites you to take part in our emergency services update focusing on the families we serve in Israel’s southern border communities.

Thursday, October 26, 2023
Starting at 7:45 pm UK time

  • Children with disabilities
  • The families who love them
  • Being in a war

Founded in Israel in 2001, the Malki Foundation undertook the mission of empowering and helping families of children with extreme special needs in concrete ways. In the years since then, more than 3,000 families from Israel’s Christian, Druze, Muslim and Jewish populations have benefited from our programs.

The war that erupted on Shabbat, October 7, 2023, has upended Israel and the region, as well as Israeli families from every part of the socio-demographic spectrum. The work of the Malki Foundation is suddenly more challenging and dramatically more relevant. How we are now intervening to help families in Israel’s periphery, especially the south, is an absorbing narrative we believe you will want to know about.

Via Zoom from London, Geoffrey Hartnell, the chair of Malki Foundation UK’s board of trustees will lead a conversation with two guests in Israel: Arnold Roth, who, with his wife Frimet founded the Malki Foundation and serves as its honorary chair, and Ely Cohen, who directs Malki Foundation’s activities from Jerusalem.

On the agenda:
  • The difficulties the Malki Foundation faces following the horrendous attack on Israel by Hamas
  • The impact on families and children with severe disabilities and the essential therapies we deliver
  • How in these new and difficult conditions we aim to help these families get through the trauma.
You are invited to join the conversation! Click the “I will be attending” button below to reserve your place in this Zoom live event.

If for any reason the "I will be attending" button fails to get you to the sign-up form, please email your contact details to

A link to the online Zoom event will be emailed to you once you are registered.

Sunday, October 8, 2023


Image Source: Jerusalem Post
A note to the Malki Foundation’s friends and supporters

October 8, 2023

From its inception, the work of the Malki Foundation has been to help ease the burden that rests on the shoulders of a specific population: families in Israel raising a child with extreme special needs. They number in the thousands and they are among the most under-resourced people in this country.

As most of us realize, burdens like theirs are not distributed equally. But for a significant number of the families, it’s a challenge made even harsher when, often for socio-economic reasons, they live far from Israel’s main centers.

Now we’re in a war that began explosively yesterday and no one can say when it will end.

From our office in Jerusalem this morning, realizing how close some of them living in Israel’s periphery communities are to the currently-active battlefields, we started reaching out. We have been texting and calling families who in some cases have gotten Malki Foundation’s support for years. They are people and stories we know well. I felt we had to get some sense of what their needs are - specifically now - and what we can do to help.

More than a dozen of the children with severe disabilities that are in our programs live in what is today the combat zone. Four of our therapists do too.

The effort to make contact has been stressful and is ongoing. But as I write this, we have managed to touch base with all of them and thankfully all are physically fine. As for trauma and shock, only time will tell.

One of our speech therapists is a resident of Kfar Aza, a kibbutz village located between Netivot and Sderot and just 1.5 kilometers (1 mile) from the Gaza border. It’s in the news here today for the worst of reasons: it was taken over by Hamas terrorists yesterday and hostages were taken. It’s an unfolding story of horror.

It took hours to reach our therapist. When I got through, she responded: "The IDF has evacuated us and we are on the way to Elat. What we survived is a miracle. May we all know better, quieter days."

Netiv HaAsara is a moshav of about 900 residents that sits practically on the Gaza border. It too was invaded by Hamas terrorists yesterday. The family of an eight-year-old child with severe disabilities and which is supported by one of Malki Foundation’s programs lives there. They were reluctant to share much detail but thanked us for staying in touch and for our prayers. I was left pondering what the family must have endured until the IDF rescued them.

Our work has always been about conveying to the family that we stand with them. We do practical things, of course, mostly focused on vital equipment and essential therapies that, for reasons hard to comprehend, they find hard or impossible to get via Government of Israel channels.

Beyond that, it’s important that we let them know someone is there to help, to support, even to advise. That in fighting for their child they are not entirely alone.

May we and they all be blessed from Above to quickly see better and more peaceful times.

Ely Cohen
Director of Programs
The Malki Foundation

Sunday, December 18, 2022

At Chanukah, an appeal for your support

December 2022

A large portion of the financial support we get throughout the year for our work comes from individuals like you who value and acknowledge the work we do at Keren Malki. We are almost at the conclusion of the end-of-year giving season and I am writing now to ask you to have us in mind.

No one in Israel does what we do at the Malki Foundation. The way we operate is unique in a very positive sense. The impact of what we do is without a doubt terrific.

Unfortunately providing support to families who choose to give a child with serious disabilities the kind of excellent care that happens when the child lives at home rather than in institutional care simply does not rank high enough on the Israeli government's list of budget priorities.

This will eventually change. Until it does, we are doing our best to reach out to families and provide our services.

But right now, we have about a hundred such families on our waiting list. We want to admit them to one of our three support programs - but cannot because of our budget limitations. Over the past 6 months, we enrolled an additional 12 families in our programs. And with your help, we hope to bring in all those families in the near future,

The impact of our work with children with disabilities at their homes surrounded by the warmth of the families and with the ongoing interaction of parents is unique and the results are amazing.

Meet Maayan. Today an officer in the IDF and age 22, he joined our program as a child with severe disabilities over fifteen years ago. 

Maayan describes the importance of the therapy treatments he received at that time from the Malki Foundation: 
“Cerebral Palsy will always be part of my life but without the structure and support my parents gave me, and the therapies with the Malki Foundation’s help, I could not have gotten to where I now am. Childhood was a critical time, laying down the foundations for the habits and dreams that empower me today.”
There's more about Maayan’s inspirational journey here.

Let us all take part in giving the Malki Foundation kids a chance to become self-sufficient! Our secure online donations page makes that easy and safe. It's here.

If you can contribute, please know that your donation will let us do what we very much want to do - expand the community of families caring for a child with extreme special needs who are supported in their efforts by the Malki Foundation.

On behalf of  the Malki Foundation,
Happy Chanukah,
Ely Cohen,

Friday, August 12, 2022

Israel's IDF pays tribute to Malki's life

Over on the YouTube page of the Israel Defense Forces, there's a new video that was published this past week to coincide with the 21st anniversary of the awful events at a Jerusalem pizzeria in 2001.

Entitled "The Sbarro Massacre: The Value of Life over Violence", it comes with this summary prepared we imagine by the documentary film makers in the office of the IDF Spokesperson:

After losing his daughter Malki in the Sbarro Massacre 21 years ago, Arnold Roth and his family chose to take the example she showed in life and share it with others. For the terrorists who killed her—and thousands of others over the years—violence and murder is their end goal. For us, life is precious and we do everything to protect, preserve and sanctify it in every way possible.

We identify with every word. And we're proud and pleased that the work of the Malki Foundation, and the very difficult circumstances that led to its establishment, have gotten this kind of recognition. 

It had already attracted several thousand views in its first couple of days of online presence,

Here's the English language version:

There are separate versions with French subtitles and Spanish subtitles. Please share them with your friends and help us reach wider audiences who need to know about Malki's life and the good work done in her name.

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Golfing for good

We're grateful to Robert Eisner, a trustee of Malki Foundation UK, for this report.

The Asher Teper Memorial Golf Day (ATMGD) has been taking place annually for the past 17 years. 

It was established to honour the memory of Asher Teper who died in 2005 at the age of 58 from cancer. He established Medivet Veterinary Group in the UK, after emigrating from South Africa. He was also a founding member of Hebrew Order of David (HOD), which annually runs this charity golf day. 

I have been fortunate to be on the ATMGD committee for the last 10 years helping organise the day with 5 other HOD members. My primary responsibility, apart from generally agreeing on the days' format and venue, has been dealing with the three charities and their volunteers and arranging the raffle prizes and silent auction items. 

In the past the event has always been held at Hartsbourne Country Club but this year was moved to the prestigious Brocket Hall Golf Club. 

As always, the day sold out very quickly and was a huge success with many golfers asking to sign up for next year. 

The three charities chosen this year were Camp Simcha, Manna (UK arm of Meir Panim) and Malki Foundation UK. At the dinner afterwards, each charity was given the opportunity to talk about the work that they do. 

This year we raised £27,000 which was our best year ever. Over the last seventeen years, the ATMGD has raised more than £300,000 for charity.

Twenty percent goes to the HOD Charitable Trust to be distributed among the various charities they support.

Scenes from this very successful fund-raising event:

The course

The committee

The winning team members with Sandra Teper