Sunday, March 29, 2020

Focus on a family: Virus outside; loving support within

The Coronavirus crisis has brought normal life to a halt in ways none of us have ever seen before. But people's needs haven't come to a halt. In fact, they're more pressing than ever, in many cases.

Though circumstances have dictated that we lower the frequency of Malki Foundation posts here on this site and via our Facebook page (here), the work of the Malki Foundation hasn't stopped. 

In the coming days, starting now, we plan to highlight some of the families we assist and how they are handling the current situation.

Let's start with Gaya, a girl of 12 years old from the Tel Aviv area. She has severe developmental delay, is able to take a few steps with the help of a walking frame but is unable to speak. She is partly blind and fed via a PEG tube

Gaya lives with the rest of her family, sleeping at home every night and cared for by loving and conscientious parents. 

Thanks to what we're all enduring, the weekly physiotherapy and occupational therapy sessions Gaya normally receives at the local special-ed school she attends have stopped for now, along with the school classes. 

Beyond those, because she's a participant in the Malki Foundation's Therapies at Home program, she normally also has weekly supplemental hydrotherapy and physiotherapy sessions. These therapies are essential for Gaya's continued development, contributing to her breathing and general muscle strength. 

Gaya's mother has just been in touch to give us a brief update and reports that their amazing physical therapist keeps coming to the house to administer therapies to Gaya. 

"This is the bare minimum we can do under the circumstances," she wrote. "It is so important for Gaya. Thank you for your willingness to help during these tough times."

As most of us are learning, the ability to cope under trying circumstances starts with a strong support structure. We're proud to be part of what helps many families in Israel get through this. 

And to our faithful supporters: thank you for your role.

(As we normally do, both the name and image we use to illustrate this absolutely true report are borrowed so as to preserve the family's privacy.) 

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